These past few months have been unbelievable, as I have been able to visit just about all of the major animation studios around the Dallas area. I've met so many talented professionals that have made some amazing games and films, and I am very thankful they were open to showing me around their studios. This week I finished my interviews with animator Sam Barsoum at Playful Studios. I was very fortunate to come only days before the launch of their renewed Super Lucky's Tale. During this visit I felt like Mr. Barsoum had so much experience to share that our conversation went beyond just simple animations, but into the applications for animation. After our great discussion I felt comfortable enough after the interview to ask him to be my mentor, which I am very thankful he agreed to. My next step is to get the whole mentor verification process done this week so I can begin my mentor visits. I also reflected on all my research this week with my research speech, where I spoke about how my understanding of animation has changed after writing assessments over my primary and secondary sources. In the future I definitely need to be more prepared for my speeches, but it was important to take a step back and to know what I had learned from all these interviews and assessments since August.
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