I finally took some advice I gained from professionals this week and learned more about film techniques that can relate to animation. I now have a better understanding of using action instead of speech to convey an emotion, and how timing can add to understanding the message even clearer. However, I feel like I only got a taste of this, and there is much more I can research in the future. I also reflected on my interview at id Software, and how I learned more about how animator's show creativity in video games. This visit gave me a better insight to my options for possible mentors, and as I begin to take each studio into consideration, I am realizing how big of a priority ISM is becoming. Because of this, I have taken time off work so I can focus on my passion and put more time into my work for ISM. I have not been keeping steady priorities this year, and I understand now what I need to fix to ensure I maximize my learning. This upcoming week I would like to start my original work, and if a professional agrees to be my mentor, I will be able to create a more specific idea and timeline for my project.
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